Vegas Baby!!!
My best friend since the 3rd grade, yes, 3rd grade, got to go on a girls trip to Vegas at the end of January! We had been trying to plan a trip for the 2 of us for 7 years, in between pageants, husbands, children, and careers we thought it was going go be impossible, but somehow we did it! Neither one of us are gamblers, I think I put $10.00 in the slot machine and she put absolutely zero in, but we had a great time, shopping, sight seeing, and eating. Her name is DeLonna, yes, that is right Delonna and Devona!! We had not seen each other in about 5 years, so that made it all the more sweeter! Curtis was a tad bit jealous, because he loves to gamble, and Vegas is his absolute favorite place to go! But I am sure he will get to go soon enough. I miss you already Delonna!! ( Elvis in a minivan, hahahha)